
Sources For Zagwe D...
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[Sticky] Sources For Zagwe Dynasty Part 1

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Bahr Negus Yohannes
Member Negusa Negest
Joined: 1 month ago
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Google Drive Link

Not Included In The Google Drive:

  • L'Enigme d'Une Dynastie Sainte Et Usurpatrice Dans Le Royaume Chretien d'Ethiopie, Xie-Xiiie Siecle (Hagiologia) (French Edition)  - Book that goes in-depth into the Zagwe Period, however I couldn't find an English version, but I used Immersive Translate Google Chrome Plugin to dynamically translate the PDF. I won't post it here because the PDF needs to be purchased for legal reasons.
  • A Companion to Medieval Ethiopia and Eritrea - Great Book that covers the Zagwe Period, it's relatively new compared to other books.

Included In The Google Drive Is:

  • English Translation Of Gadla Yemrehanna Krestos - This is an indigenous manuscript that covers the life of the saint/emperor.
  • King and priest and Prester John: analysis of the Life of a 12th century Ethiopian king, Yemrehanna Krestos -  Great Academic Article that covers the life of Yemrehanna Krestos 
  • The Zāgʷē dynasty (11-13th centuries) and King Yemreḥanna Krestos - Great Academic Article that covers the life of Yemrehanna Krestos and The Early Zagwe Period 
  • Church and State In Ethiopia - Old, but the most extensive book on the Medieval Period, especially after Yekuno Amlak
  • Ancient-and-Medieval-Ethiopian-History-to-1270 - Old, but the best book on the Aksumite and Zagwe Period.


This topic was modified 1 week ago by Bahr Negus Yohannes

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